Mission – what we’re about

What benefits should you, as a member of the printing industry, derive from the Prinect User Days? What benefits should you, as a member of the printing industry, derive from the Prinect User Days? Diese Fragen haben Sie sich vielleicht auch schon gestellt. Here is a short answer: We, the Organising-Team, are a motley crew. We are all active in the graphic arts industry in one way or another and pursue the goal of further developing our industry, be it in technical, organisational or structural terms. We are from Germany and Poland. We follow no commercial interests. We receive no payment for our work and it’s our free time that we devote to it. On the contrary, we pay our own, often large travel expenses that we incur when preparing our annual meeting and in between times we sacrifice our free time for telephone conferences and conceptual activities. But we are guided by our vision of continually driving ourselves and our industry forward – and we would like to learn from you too as a participant of the Prinect User Days. We do it all because we believe in it and we enjoy our profession. As we are all Prinect users and/or HEIDELBERG customers and are convinced of the Prinect tool and want to use it to drive Prinect forward, we are organising the User Days together with HEIDELBERG. HEIDELBERG sponsors and organizes the entire event. Members of the organisation team therefore also come from HEIDELBERG and we are preparing the event together. This creates a Win-Win-Situation: We Users have the opportunity to obtain first-hand information and expertise from the market leader and to discuss our requirements for the further development of Prinect directly with the developers. HEIDELBERG has the opportunity to receive direct feedback from the users and thus be able to guide the development and continuous improvement of its products in a targeted manner. And, of course, this should also give HEIDELBERG the opportunity to win new customers and introduce new products. So it’s about an active development platform with interaction between users and suppliers for mutual benefit. No more, but no less.