Let’s connect again

Prinect User Days 2025

January 16th and 17th 2025

Please mark this date in your calendars today.

The Prinect User Days will take place on these two days. We are pleased to offer you a very special and, above all, sustainable venue on the first day with the new Congress Center in Heidelberg.

On the second day, we will then visit together the Prinect Media Center in Wiesloch. That means one day in the Congress Center in Heidelberg and one day in the Print Media Center in Wiesloch

The evening event on Thursday will be in Heidelberg. The event will be held bilingually in German and English, as proved to be the case last year.

In the next few weeks, the organization team will put together the exact program and provide you with a registration link for the event. Until then, stay tuned. We look forward to seeing you.

Recap User Days 2023

Our motto is „By users for users“. These User Days are hallmarked by technical passion and critical discussion just as much as the friendly get-togethers in the breaks and at dinner.