Prinect User Days 2025

These were the Prinect User Days on 16 and 17 January 2025

Our motto is „By users for users“.

These User Days are hallmarked by technical passion and critical discussion just as much as the friendly get-togethers in the breaks and at dinner.

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Prinect users strive for integration and automation of print production. Their aim is to make commercial and production processes more efficient. The further development from trade to industrial production with modern digitalisation tools is crucial for competitive success.

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Digitisation presents print shops with major challenges. Finding the right strategy is complex and requires careful planning. The Prinect User Days offer a platform for exchanging ideas with colleagues and experts from Heidelberger Druckmaschinen in order to develop solutions together.

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How is Prinect changing everyday work in the print shop? The user days show new possibilities for integrated workflows, provide practical tips for implementation and help to avoid typical pitfalls. Here you will find answers to your most pressing digitisation questions.

Awarded by Green Event BW

Green Event BW recognises events in Baden-Württemberg that are planned and implemented sustainably. We are delighted that we have fulfilled the criteria and can offer you a sustainable event.

Die Prinect Anwendertage 2025 im Congress Center Heidelberg wurden als “Green Event BW” ausgezeichnet. Diese Zertifizierung bestätigt unser Engagement für nachhaltige Veranstaltungsplanung und -durchführung.

Durch die Erfüllung strenger Nachhaltigkeitskriterien in den Bereichen Mobilität, Energie, Klimaschutz, Beschaffung, Abfallmanagement und regionale Wirkung setzen wir neue Maßstäbe für umweltbewusste Fachkonferenzen.

Als zertifiziertes Green Event BW unterstreichen die Prinect Anwendertage ihr Bekenntnis zu ressourcenschonenden und klimafreundlichen Veranstaltungskonzepten.